Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chef Boy-ar-dee

Mom was so glad when they bought out Chef-boy-ar-dee spaghetti in a can. We had already been introduced to mac and cheese in a can, which, with my childhood pallate was very enjoyable. The macaroni was so squishy, and the cheese so creamy. But when the Chef introduced his spaghetti, mom thought she would give it to us for lunch.

Remember, my mother was Italian, learned to cook from an Italian immigrant, and we had palates that enjoyed real Italian spaghetti (not that the Chef wasn't really Italian). But that stuff, ew!

I dug in (at lunch) when I was in third grade, I think it was -- I know it was a day I had to ride my bike home for lunch, so it had to be at least third grade. Expecting it to be as good as the mushy mac and cheese of which I was so fond, and plugh! I spit it out. Not Italian. Not good. Not even when doused with Parmesan cheese. Nothing could change my mind about that canned spaghetti.

I think my brothers liked it when it became spaghetti-o's, and I know my kids didn't mind the spaghetti-o's when they were really little, like babies. But since I learned to cook from my mom, they, too, really didn't enjoy the flavor -- or non-flavor -- of the canned spaghetti.

Do any of my family like that stuff? I'd be interested in knowing if you do, and what about it you enjoy -- Just comment to me.

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