Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Love Seat

The Love Seat was in the living room. It has gone through several changes since we first received it. I remember the day we got it.
I'll never know what was wrong with our old living room furniture -- I rather liked it, but Uncle Orf and Aunt Mary Eberhard thought we need a revamp in our living room so they donated their love seat and two chairs to mom and dad for the living room. This furniture was beatufilly maintained, but when we got it the furniture was already about 50 years old. So you get the picture.
The love seat was ALWAYS located under the window opposite the wall on which the piano was placed. So in the living room we had the love seat, next to it was a bookcase -- the subject for another BLOG -- and next to that on the door wall was one of the chairs. The other chair mom place catercorner next to the piano, sort of in the doorway to the dining room.
The love seat was not really good for sleeping on, but I devised a way to do that. By placing my head on one of the arms (which were wooden, not upholstered) and stretching out with my feet pushed through the arm hole on the opposite end, I could doze. Once the TV was added to the living room decor -- and one of the arm chairs was relegated to the basement -- it was my favorite place to lounge and watch TV. If I left the love-seat to go to the bathroom or to get a snack, if I didn't announce to the siblings -- "Don't take my seat, I'll be back." -- I'd be relegated to the floor to watch TV. I figured boys should be on the floor, not girls, so I always fought my brothers for chair space.
The love seat was the OFFICIAL place in the living on which to take pictures. The picture above is just one of many that were taken on that seat. You can almost see the book case next to dad. The picture was taken in 1980. And, in order to preserve the upholstery, mom put that horrible yellow throw cover on the love seat and it was there until the seat was moved to my home in the late 80s.
The love seat became the courting seat when I was dating my husband. I shared it with him, and no longer lounged on the seat as I had in the past.
The love seat now resides with my daughter who is presently looking for a good home -- in the family -- for the seat. The upholstery on it is in good shape, the arms need some work. It's mahogany through and through. I personally like the color of the upholstery on the chair -- it's a sage green -- but I have no room in my home for the seat. I wish I did.
Maybe when I redecorate my living room in the year 2020, I'll find a place for it.

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