Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sixth grade, continued

On the first day of school (in 6th grade) I was amazed to find that my best friend from 5th grade had grown up over the summer.  She has breasts!  Yikes.  Was I ever behind in that department.  It only bothered me because she was the best hitter when we played softball, next to me, of course, and she just refused to play any more. 

We were sent to our classrooms and Mrs. Cunningham's sixth grade was on the top floor in the chartreuse room in the new part of the building.  What a nice classroom that was.  Brand new.

What can I say?  We had new books, new GREEN boards instead of blackboards, new erasers, new desks, new everything, including new plants to water.


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